I read this article 'Creating something extraordinary' written by Siimon Reynolds. He is one of Australia’s most respected marketing experts , entrepreneurs and authors. I liked the simplicity of these steps.
Write down your goal - Study shows people
who actually write down their goals have a better chance of succeeding.
Only have a few of them - More goals you set,
less you achieve. Try setting 3 major goals. The less goals you have, the more
time you will have to devote to each one. The more time you devote to them, the
more progress you make. The more progress you make, the more motivated you
become. The more motivated you become, the more you work on your goals.
Stay conscious of them - Think about them all
the time. You tend to get what you focus on. Try to read your goals each
morning. Focus on them at several other times during the day. The more think of
them, the more actions you will take to achieve them.
Be accountable to someone -
Best way to improve performance is be accountable to somebody. Performance
always improves when you know that you'll have to report your progress to
another person. Someone who won't let you off the hook or put up with excuses.
Think of somebody you could use as your mentor or accountability partner, then
arrange a time each week for you to update them on the progress you’re making
towards your goals.
Take action every day - Great achievement does not occur in one grand moment. It's always the
culmination of hundreds, even thousands, of small steps. If you can just
discipline yourself to take one step towards each of your 3 goals every day, at
the end of the year you will have taken over 1000 steps towards your dreams!
Think about that for a moment - after 1000 steps forward you'll either have
achieved all three goals and massively improved the quality of your life, or be
well on your way to doing it.